The Contemporary American Essay, (10 Weeks), GAYLEY
W 2025


"The word essay we have from the French, in which tongue it signifies a trial or probation" (Thomas Culpeper, 1671).

We will sample superb essays by some of America’s best writers since the beginning of this Century, including Philip Lopate, Alexander Chee, John McPhee, Joyce Carol Oates, and David Sedaris, among many others. The essays are short, but compelling.  There will be much to discuss.  Welcome aboard!

Weekly Topics

As a pre-SDG warmup, only three pages, read Brian Doyle, Joyas Voladoras...(Flying Jewelry)

Week 1: Hilton Als, I am the happiness of this world; & Thomas Beller, Portrait of the Bagel as a Young Man

Week 2:  Joyce Carol Oates, A Visit to San Quentin; & Barry Lopez, The Invitation   

Week 3: Clifford Thompson, Eric Garner and Me;  & John McPhee, Draft #4

Week 4: Laura Kipnis, Domestic Gulags; & Emily Fox Gordon, Faculty Wife

Week 5:  Rebecca Solnit, Cassandra Among the Creeps; & Wesley Yang, We Out Here  

Week 6: Sven Birkerts, Brave Face; & David Sedaris, This Old House

Week 7: Margo Jefferson, Negroland; & Meghan O'Gieblyn, Homeschool

Week 8: Darryl Pinckney, Busted in New York; & Karen Russel, Beeper World

Week 9:  Bernard Cooper, Greedy Sleep; & Geoff Dyer, Otherwise Known as the Human Condition (with Particular Reference to Doughnut Plant Doughnuts)

Week 10:  Alexander Chee, Girl; & Philip Lopate, Experience Necessary


The Contemporary American Essay, edited by Phillip Lopate, Anchor Books 2021