Ethics, (12 Weeks), GAYLEY
F 2024


This SDG will introduce the main areas and theories of ethics, including life and death, freedom and responsibility, false consciousness, God, evolution, happiness, relative vs universal ethics, and human rights. The core text is Ethics by Simon Blackburn, formerly Professor of Philosophy at Cambridge. The second edition was published in 2021. There are 20 short chapters which we will group together over the first 10 weeks of term, with each member preparing one or two topics. The last two weeks will consider specific issues in depth which have arisen during the first ten weeks. We will meet in person at Gayley for lively discussion about some of the biggest questions in life. No prior knowledge of philosophy is required - just openness and an interest in working with ethical theories and issues.

Weekly Topics


1 God                  7 - 13      Aug 27th

2 Relativism      13 - 20     Aug 27th

3 Egoism            20 - 25    Sept 3rd

4 Evolution         25 - 30    Sept 3rd

5 Determinism   30 - 32   Sept 10th

6 Unreasonable Demands 32 - 35 Sept 10th

7 False Consciousness 35 - 39 Sept 17th

8 Reason              40 - 44      Sept 17th

9 Human Beings 44 - 47      Sept 24th

10 Virtue Ethics   47 - 50      Sept 24th

11 Kantian Ethics 50 - 56      Oct 1st

12 State of Nature 56 - 60    Oct 1st

13 Making Rules     60 - 65    Oct 8th

14 Desire + 15 Happiness 66 - 72 Oct 8th

16 Freedom            72 - 75     Oct 15th

17 Paternalism      75 - 78      Oct 15th

18 Natural Rights  78 - 82      Oct 22nd

19 Birth                   82 - 88      Oct 22nd

19 Death                 88 - 93      Oct 29th

20 Decency, Civility, and Trust 93 - 98 Oct 29th

Topic A                                      Nov 12th

Topic B                                      Nov 12th

Topic C                                      Nov 19th

Topic D                                      Nov 19th

  No SDG on Election Day, Nov 5th


Ethics by Simon Blackburn, Oxford Very Short Introduction, 2021 (second ed.) 978-0198868101

The book is one of the Oxford Very Short Introductions, and it does come with rather small print! There are no important images so you can work with the ebook or kindle version if you prefer.