Autism Spectrum and how should we think about different styles of learning ,thinking and potential? 2nd 7 Weeks
F 2023


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. People with ASD often have problems with social communication and interaction, and restricted or repetitive behaviors or interests. Prevalence of individuals who are identified on the spectrum has greatly increased and why? Why have they been undervalued and what can be gained by tapping into their potential? How has the preference for verbal thinking skewed our perspective of intelligence and the ability of people to contribute to society? Temple Grandin wrote: “When we fail to encourage and develop the talents and skills of people who think in different ways, we fail to integrate ways of learning and thinking that benefit and enrich society.” (p. 5, Introduction to Visual Thinking, Temple Grandin)

People with ASD may often have different ways of learning, moving, paying attention and thinking. ASD traits can contribute to accomplishing great things as demonstrated by prominent individuals like Albert Einstein, Anthony Hopkins, Temple Grandin and many others. .

This 7 week SDG will begin an exploration of neurodiversity and an understanding of ASD and how diverse ways of thinking and learning by this uniquely human segment enrich society.

Weekly Topics

 Plan for each hour complimenting the other as much as possible 

Track 1 Understanding Autism (ASD) First Hour

Week 1 How do you get it? Neurodevelopment , fertilization and genetics

Week 2 Genetic factors , Incidence and Prevalence

Week 3 Cognition, Behavior , Socialization

Week 4 Speech and Communication Competencies

Week 5 Mental Health of Neurodiverse

Week 6 Education of the Neurodiverse

Week 7 Discussion about Valery and Emily’s book ,

 ( I Have Been Buried Under Years of Dust: A Memoir of Autism and Hope)

Track 2. Living on the Autism Spectrum Second Hour

Week 1 Classification and Symptoms of ASD

 Week2 Trust Fear and Control 

Week 3 Socialization 

Week 4 Societal Effects : Autism in the workplace

Week 5 Temple Grandin and Visual Thinking (You tube video)

Week 6 Animal Therapy

Week 7 Emily Grodin and Valerie Gilpeer ”Finding your voice”


Core Books.

Uniquely Human, Barry  M Prizant, abriged edition 2022

I have been buried for years in dust , Emily Grodin , Valerie Gilpeer 

Resources:  online visual and verbal as assigned and recommended